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Eminent Domain


  • For 2-4 players
  • Takes about 45 minutes to play
  • Survey the galaxy to expand your empire! Will you colonize nearby planets, or take them by force? Harvest resources for trade, and do research to improve your technology. Build the best empire to win the game.

List Price: $39.99
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Product Description
Eminent Domain is an empire building game in which your empire's abilities are based on a deck of Role cards. At the beginning of the game each player has the same deck of cards. Every turn you must choose a role to execute and in doing so you will add one of those Role cards to your deck. When executing a role,you may Boost its affect by playing cards out of your hand matching the role you have chosen. For instance, the more research done by your empire, the better your empire gets at doing research - because there will be more research cards in your deck!

During the game players gain influence throughout the universe by expanding their empire, doing research, and trading. You'll survey the find planets, Colonize them or use Warfare to incorporate them into your empire and gain access to their abilities and influence. The player whose empire has the most influence at the end of the game will rule the galaxy!

Contents of Eminent Domain:
162 cards
35 Sculpted Fighters
24 Wooden Resources
32 Influence Tokens
1 Game Board

Eminent Domain - HUD - Locating New Page.... Guidance. Eminent domain is an exercise of the power of government or quasi-government agencies (such as airport authorities, highway commissions, community ... Eminent domain - Ballotpedia Eminent domain is the inherent power of the state to seize a citizen's private property, or rights in private property, without the owner's consent. Index - Missouri Eminent Domain Ombudsman The Office of the Ombudsman for Property Rights was created as a result of recommendations from the Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain, formed to analyze ... Eminent domain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Eminent domain (United States, the Philippines), compulsory purchase (United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland), resumption/compulsory acquisition (Australia), or ... Eminent domain Define Eminent domain at noun, Law. the power of the state to take private property for public use with payment of compensation to the owner. Relevant Questions Why is Eminent Domain Im ... eminent domain legal definition of eminent domain. eminent domain ... The power to take private property for public use by a state, municipality, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character ... Eminent Domain - Missouri's Response to Kelo Eminent Domain - Missouri's Response to Kelo. Stanley A. Leasure 1 Carol J. Miller 2 Kelo sparked a national controversy concerning the use of eminent domain with ... Missouri Citizens for Property Rights Read about Missouri cases of eminent domain abuse and other corporate welfare in the Show-Me Institute's policy studies. Here. VIdeo: ... Eminent Domain - Legal Help, Directories, Articles, and Forums ... Contents. What Is Eminent Domain; The Process of Eminent Domain; Takings; Fair Value; Just Compensation; Public Use; Abuses of Eminent Domain; What is Eminent Domain Eminent Domain: Being Abused? - CBS News - Breaking News Headlines ... Just about everyone knows that under a process called eminent domain, the government can (and does) seize private property for public use - to build a road ...

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